Principal investigator
Fot. Marcin Gregorczyk
Associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, in 2004-2011 also analyst in the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Scholarship holder of the Program Start 2007 of the Foundation of the Polish Science, the project Modern University (2010) and the program for outstanding young scholars-foreigners of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey – TÜBITAK (2012) as well as at universities in Ankara (METU), Belfast, Berlin (FU), Bonn, Budapest, Istanbul (Istanbul University, Koç University), Konstanz, Tampere and Vienna. Head of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) and member of the PTNP board; member of the Polish European Studies Association (PTSE). Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) – including the vice-chairmanship in RC13 "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" and membership in the executive committee of the Research Committee no. 03 – European Unification, standing groups “Religion and Politics”, “Politics of Southern Europe”, and “European Union” of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), University Association for the Contemporary European Studies (UACES) and Southern Political Science Association (SPSA). Member of the European Social Movements Research Network and Collaborative Research Network "Centrifugal Europe: State, sovereignty and the future of European integration". Author of 120 publications: books articles in domestic and foreign periodicals as well as analyses and expert opinions - on the European integration, political systems of selected states as well as international relations.
Research areas
- European integration: enlargement of the European Union, EU-Turkey relations, Europeanization and de-Europeanization, EU citizenship;
- Political system and foreign policy of Turkey;
- Comparative studies – Poland and Turkey;
- Democratization and de-democratization in comparative perspective
- Islam and Muslim countries; Islam and democracy.
- Post-national form of citizenship
Main publications
a) Author
- „Między islamem a kemalizmem. Problem demokracji w Turcji” (“Between Islam and Kemalism. Problem of Democracy in Turkey”), Warsaw 2008
- „Rozszerzanie Unii Europejskiej – współczesne uwarunkowania i perspektywy kontynuacji procesu”/”European Union Enlargement – Contemporary Determinants and Prospects for the Continuation of the Process”, Warsaw 2012 (bilingual publication)
- „System konstytucyjny Turcji” (“Constitutional System of Turkey”), Warsaw 2006
- „Wielkie Zgromadzenie Narodowe Turcji”, (“Grand National Assembly of Turkey”), Warsaw 2005
- „Zmiana polityki rozszerzania Unii Europejskiej – ujęcie instytucjonalne” (“Change in the Enlargement Policy of the European Union – Institutional Approach”), Warszawa 2014
b) Editor
- „Turcja i Europa – wyzwania i szanse” (“Turkey and Europe – Challenges and Chances”), A. Szymański (ed.), Warsaw 2011 (including Wprowadzenie, pp. 11-19 i Zakończenie, pp. 295-304)
- “Turkey and Europe – Challenges and Opportunities”, A. Szymański (ed.), revised version of the Polish book, Warsaw 2012 (including Introduction, pp. 11-19 and Conclusion, pp. 281-290)
- „Austria – Prawie pełna kontynuacja” (“Austria – Almost Full Continuity”), in: L. Jesień (ed.), „Zmiana i kontynuacja. Polityka europejska wybranych państw UE” (“Change and Continuity. European Politics of Selected States”), Warszawa 2008, pp. 23-58
- “Beyond Vote Rigging: Common Patterns in Electoral Malpractices in De-Democratizing Regimes” (with Wojciech Ufel), Polish Political Science Yearbook, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2018, pp. 593-617
-“Changes in Executive-Legislative Relationship: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey and Central European Countries”, in: I. Khelko, F. Stapenhurst, M. L. Mezey (eds.), "Legislative Decline in the 21st Century. A Comparative Perspective," Routledge, Abingdon, New York 2020, pp. 118-128.
- “Citizenship of the European Union – in the direction of the post-national model?” (with Jolanta Szymańska), in: A. Rothert (ed.), “The Processes of Transnational Governance”, Warsaw 2014, pp.145-165
- “De-Democratization: The Case of Hungary in Comparative Perspective”, PS: Political Science and Politics, vol. 52, 2/2019, pp. 272-273
- ”De-Europeanisation and De-Democratisation in the EU and Its Neighbourhood”, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, vol. 15, 2/2017, pp. 187-211
- “Der islamische Fundamentalismus – stellt er eine Bedrohung für die türkische Demokratie dar?”, Zeitschrift für Türkeisudien, 1+2/2004, pp. 133-147
- “Differentiated integration: towards a new model of European Union–Turkey relations?”, Turkish Studies, vol. 21, 2/2020, pp. 254-273 (with Agnieszka Cianciara)
- “Differentiation, Brexit and EU-Turkey relations,” in: B. Leruth, S. Gänzle, J. Trondal (eds.) "What future for European integration? Differentiated (dis)integration in light of Brexit," Routledge, Abingdon, New York 2020, pp. 182-201 (with Agnieszka Cianciara)
- “’Domestification’ of the Middle Eastern Policy of Turkey”, in: S. Gardocki, R. Ożarowski, R. Ulatowski (eds.), "The Islamic World in International Relations," Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin 2019, pp. 93-116
- “EU Conditionality: The Case of Turkey, in: Ç. Nas, R. İzci (ed.), “Changing Europe and Turkey: Current Debates”, Istanbul 2010, pp. 15-28 (Turkish version: “AB Koşulluluk Mekanızması: Türkiye Orneği”, in: Ç. Nas, R. İzci (ed.), “Değişen Avrupa ve Türkiye: Güncel Tartışmalar”, Istanbul 2010, pp. 35-48)
- “EU Pre-accession Process of Turkey – Determinants and Prospects”, Przegląd Politologiczny/Political Science Review, No. 1, 2015, pp. 7-20.
- “EU-Turkey Pre-Accession Policy and Its Impact on Democracy and State Quality’, European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 17, no. 4/2012, pp. 533-552
- “Halk Tarafından Seçilen Cumhurbaşkanı ve „Başkanlık“ Sistemi – Türkiye Örneği”, in C. Akaş (ed.), “Kritik Kavşak. Parlamenter Sistem – Başkanlık Sistemi”, Istanbul 2015, pp. 111-126
- „Koncepcje alternatywne wobec członkostwa w UE – przypadek Turcji” (”Alternatives to EU Membership. The Case of Turkey”), Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 4/2007, pp. 157-175 (English version in: The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 4/2007, pp. 55-72)
-“Manipulation of Vote Choice – Impediment to Electoral Integrity in Turkey?”, Przegląd Politologiczny/Political Science Review, no. 3, 2017, pp. 103-115
- „Obywatelstwo miejskie i jego innowacje w miastach Europy” (“Urban Citizenship and Its Innovations in European Cities”), e-Politikon, vol. 13, 2015, pp. 95-124
- „Od autorytaryzmu do demokracji – ewolucja reżimu politycznego Republiki Turcji” (“From Authoritarianism to Democracy – Evolution of the Political Regime in the Republic of Turkey”), Społeczeństwo i Polityka, no. 2, 2009, pp. 90-105
- „Państwo świeckie w Turcji – historyczna i współczesna perspektywa” (“Secular State in Turkey – Historical and Current Perspective”), Studia Politologiczne (Political Science Studies), vol. 42, 2016, pp. 324-346
- „Partia Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju w Turcji jako inspiracja dla ugrupowań politycznych w krajach arabskich – w kontekście debaty o „tureckim modelu“ (“Justice and Development Party in Turkey as the Inspiration for the Political Parties in Arabic Countries – in the Context of the debate on the ‘Turkish Model‘“), in: F. Ilkowski, S. Sulowski (eds.), „Wybrane idee, partie i organizacje polityczne Bliskiego Wschodu“ (“Selected Ideas, Parties and Political Organizations of the Middle East”), Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 2014, pp. 85-10
- “Polish Perceptions”, in: S. Akşit, Ö. Şenyuva, Ç. Üstün (ed.), “Turkey Watch. EU Member States’ Perceptions on the Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Ankara 2010, pp. 133-151
- „Polityka zagraniczna Turcji w latach 2007-2009: kontynuacja czy zmiana?” (“Foreign Policy of Turkey in 2007-2009: Continuity or Change?”), Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny, no. 2, 2009, pp. 45-80 (English version in: Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no. 2, 2009)
- “Postura de Polonia frente a la ampliación de la Unión Europea”, La Musa, Vol. 7, 2006, 121-136
- „Religia jako nieoficjalne kryterium członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej – przypadek Turcji” (“Religion as Unofficial EU Membership Criterion – the Case of Turkey”), in: A.Szymański (ed.), „Turcja i Europa – wyzwania i szanse” („Turkey and Europe – Challenges and Chances”), Warszawa 2011, pp. 89-105/“Religion as Unofficial EU Membership Criterion – the Case of Turkey”, in: A.Szymański (ed.), “Turkey and Europe – Challenges and Opportunities”, Warsaw 2012, pp. 85-101
- “Religion Oriented Conservative Parties and Democracy: The Case of the Turkish Justice and Development Party and the Polish Law and Justice Party”, Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, Vol. 30, No. 1, March 2015, pp. 55-70.
- “Role of Turkey in Change of the EU Enlargement Policy”, in: V. Ayhan, P. Osiewicz, M Kural (eds.), “Turkey-Poland. 600 Years of Friendship”, IMPR, Ankara 2014, pp. 21-46
- „Rozszerzanie Unii Europejskiej po 2007 roku – analiza uwarunkowań procesu” („EU Enlargement after 2007 – Analysis of the Process Determinants)”, Studia Europejskie, no. 2/2012, pp. 9-33
- "South Caucasus Political Issues – the EU and Turkish Perspective”, in: M. Kibaroğlu (ed.), “Turkey’s Neighborhood”, Ankara 2008, pp. 227-242
- „Teoretyczny i metodologiczny aspekt badań nad rozszerzeniem Unii Europejskiej” („Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the EU Enlargement Research”), in: A. Antoszewski, A. Dumała, B. Krauz-Mozer, K. Radzik (ed.), „Teoretyczne i metodologiczne wyzwania badań politologicznych w Polsce” (“Theoretical and Methodological Challenges for the Political Studies in Poland”), Lublin 2009, pp. 307-317
- “The Austrian Governments of Schüssel, Gusenbauer and Faymann: Almost Full Continuation”, in: L. Jesień (ed.), “Change and Continuity. The European Policy of Selected European Union Member States”, Warsaw 2012, pp. 13-54,
- “The Establishment of the Final Borders of Europe”, in: J. Jańczak (ed.), “De-Bordering, Re-Bordering and Symbols on the European Boundaries”, Berlin 2011, pp. 115-125
- “The Position of Polish Political Elites on Future EU Enlargement”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 4/2007, pp. 540-560
- „Tурция и черноморское регионалъное сoтрудничество”,ΕВРОПА, no. 4, 2008, pp. 81-106
- „Turcja a tożsamość europejska – konfrontacja dwóch wizji Europy” (“Turkey and European Identity – the Confrontation of Two Visions of Europe”), in: F. Gołembski (ed.) “European Identity” “Tożsamość europejska” (“European Identity”), Warszawa 2005, pp. 128-169
- „Turecki nacjonalizm – historia i współczesność” (“Turkish Nationalism – History and Present”), Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe, no. 1, 2010, pp. 35-50
- “Turkey and Poland and Their Process of European Integration”, in: S. Laçiner, H. Palabıyık, K. Kujawa, V. Garayev (eds.), “Turkish-Polish Relations: Past, Present and Future”, Çanakkale, Ankara 2015, pp. 167-184
- “Turkey and Poland: Two different countries in the process of European integration?”), in: N. Neuwahl, H. Kabaalioğlu (ed), “European Union and Turkey: Reflections on the Prospects for Membership”, Istanbul 2006, pp. 249-258
- “Turkey’s Potential Added Value to the EU: Resolution of Regional Conflicts”, in: Turkish Policy Quarterly, Fall 2009, pp.125-138
- “Turkey’s Role in Resolving the Middle East Conflicts”, in: International Issues and Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, No. 2, 2011, pp. 71-85
- “Turkish Policy Towards War in Syria”, TEKA of the Commission of Political Science and International Affairs, vol. 12, no. 1, 2017, pp. 63-84
- “Turkish Problems with Democracy in the Context of the EU Membership Question”, in: E. Kużelewska, D. Kloza (ed.), “The Challenges of Modern Democracy and European Integration”, Warszawa-Białystok 2012, pp. 157-176
- „Unia Europejska jako wspólnota terytorialna” (“European Union as Territorial Community”), in: K. A. Wojtaszczyk, W. Jakubowski (ed.), Europeistyka. Podręcznik akademicki” („European Studies. Students Reader”), vol.2, Warszawa 2012, pp. 293-382
- “What Does the EU Need to Do and What are Its Fears?” in: „Finding Common Grounds. Rediscovering The Common Narrative of Turkey and Europe”, Research Center of the SFPA, Bratislava 2009, pp. 25-40
- „Wpływ położenia geopolitycznego na politykę zagraniczną Turcji” (“Impact of the Geopolitical Position on the Foreign Policy of Turkey”), Stosunki międzynarodowe, 3-4/2011, pp. 179-195
- „Zarządzanie wielopoziomowe – analiza przypadku polityki rozszerzania UE” (“Multilevel Governance – Analysis of the Case of the EU Enlargement Policy”), Studia politologiczne, vol. 27, 2013, pp.186-206
- „Zastosowanie teorii zmiany instytucjonalnej w studiach europejskich na przykładzie polityki rozszerzania UE” („Application of the Theorie of the Institutional Change in the European Studies Basing on the Example of the EU Enlargement Policy”), in: J. Ruszkowski, L. Wojnicz (ed.), „Teorie w studiach europejskich. W kierunku nowej agendy badawczej” („Theories in the European Studies. Towards a New Research Agenda”), Warszawa-Szczecin 2012, pp. 271-289
- „Zmiana prawa wyborczego na urząd prezydenta w Turcji – postęp w procesie demokratyzacji?” (“Change of the election presidential election law in Turkey – progress in the democratization process?”), Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, Vol. 20/A, pp. 71-87
Research projects
Jan 2017 - Grant of the National Science Center for project “Between Fair and Rigged. Elections as a Key Determinant of the ‘Borderline Political Regime’ - Turkey in Comparative Perspective” (Programme OPUS 11, head of the project)
Jan 2016 - Grant of the National Science Center for project “Differentiated integration, Turkish accession prospects and EU geopolitics” (Programme SONATA 9, member of the research team, Polish Academy of Science)
Dec 2011 - Dec 2013 - Grant of the National Science Center for project “Governance in Transnational Space” (a member of the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw research team – research areas: MLG and post-national citizenship)
Nov 2010 - Jun 2012 - Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for project “EU Enlargement Current Determinants and Future Prospects” (head of the project)
Nov 2007 - Nov 2010 - Grant of the Committee for Scientific Research for project “Role of the Polish Deputies to the European Parliament in Its Policy-making” (a member of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw research team)