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Comparative Studies

  • Adamczyk A., Dubel, P. (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Altunc O.F., Aydın C., The Relationship between Optimal Size of Government and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria, ”Procedia – Social and Bahavioral Sciences”, 2013, 92.
  • Avrupa yolunda Türkiye ve Polonya: değişim sürecinde iki AB aday ülkesi, Hazırlayan: Konrad Adenauer Vakfı, Ankara 2001.
  • Aydınlı F., Converging human resource management: a comparative analysis of Hungary and Turkey, ”The International Journal of Human Resource Management”, 2010, 9(21).
  • Ayhan V., Ataman M., Dalar M., Eastern European Countries’ Perception of Turkey: Poland and Czech Republic, in: V. Ayhan V., P. Osiewicz, M. Kural (eds.), Turkey-Poland. 600 Years of Friendship, Ankara 2014.
  • Balcer A., Polish Stakeholders in the EU-Turkey Debate, in: N. Tocci (ed.), Talking Turkey in Europe: Towards a Differentiated Communication Strategy, IAI Quaderni English Series No. 13, December 2008, http://www.iai.it/sites/default/files/quaderni_e_13.pdf
  • Becker J. Neo-liberalism’s new cloth: national conservatism in Hungary and Turkey, http://sendika62.org/2012/04/neo-liberalisms-new-cloth-national-conservatism-in-hungary-and-turkey-joachim-becker/
  • Bilgin H.D., Working Street Children in Turkey and Romania: A Comparative Historical Analysis in the Context of New Poverty, Saarbrücken 2009 (MA thesis Ankara 2006).
  • Cizre Ü., Problems of democratic governance of civil-military relations in Turkey and the European Union enlargement zone, ”European Journal of International Affairs”, 2004, 43(1).
  • Cuaresma C., Fidrmuc J., Silgoner M.A., Fundamentals, the exchange rate and prospects for the current and future EU enlargements:evidence from Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey, “Empirica”, 2008, 35(2).
  • Çemrek M., The EU Impact on the Political Culture of Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, ”EuroJournal.org - Journal of Foreign Policy of Moldova”, 2004, 7.
  • Demirci, H. A., 1921 Polonya Anayasası'nın 1924 Türkiye Anayasası Üzerinde Etkileri. “Pamukkale University Journal Of Social Sciences Institute / Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,” 2017, 26.
  • Eral L., Siyasi Kriterler Açısından Yunanistan, Polonya ve Türkiye'nin AB Üyelik Sürecinin Değerlendirilmesi, “Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi,” 2007, 6 (2) 1
  • Erdem, E.I., European Integration and Democratic Consolidation: Spain, Poland and Turkey in Comparative Perspective, PhD thesis, Florida International University,  2011, http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1597&context=etd
  • Erler Bayır Ö., Eastward Enlargement and the New Vision of NATO: Positions of Russia, Poland and Turkey, in: A. Adamczyk, P. Dubel (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Erler Bayır Ö., The Perception of Russia in Poland and Turkey: A Comparative Analysis, ”Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2015, 1.
  • Ertugal E., A. M. Dobre, Dynamics of regionalisation and the impact of the EU:comparing regional reforms in Romania and Turkey “Europe-Asia Studies”, 2011, 63(7).
  • Estvancova L., Turkey and Slovakia: A comparative study of EU accession process / Türkiye ve Slovakya: AB katılım sürecinin karşılaştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi 2013.
  • Furtak F.T., Democracy Under Pressure: The Case of Poland, Hungary and Turkey, "Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences", 2017, 6(2), https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/democracy-under-pressure-the-case-of-poland-hungary-and-turkey-2169-0170-1000e119.pdf
  • Gerhardts J., Cultural Overstretch? Differences Between Old and New Member States of the EU and Turkey, Abingdon, New York 2007.
  • Gul A., The Historical Background of the Foundation of the Higher Education Systems in Poland and Turkey, Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula (Vistula University Working Papers), 2016, 48(3).
  • Gülçür L., İlkkaracan P,  The “Natasha” experience: Migrant sex workers from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Turkey, ”Women’s Studies International Forum”, 2002, 25(4).
  • Gürcel T., Religious Education as an Indicator of State-Religion Relations Within the Scope of Europeanization Theories: Case Studies of Turkey and Poland, PhD thesis, Ankara 2013, http://www.thesis.bilkent.edu.tr/0006792.pdf
  • İçener E, Explaining European Union Enlargement: A Comparative Study of Romania and Turkey, Belfast 2007.
  • İçener E., Phinnemore D. and Papadimitriou D., Continuity and change in the European Union’s approach to enlargement: Turkey and Central and Eastern Europe compared, ”Southeast European and Black Sea Studies,” 2010, 10(2).
  • İçener E., Understanding Romania and Turkey's Integration with the European Union: Conditionality, Security Considerations and Identity, ”Perspectives on European Politics and Society”, 2009, 10(2).
  • Karaloğlu B., Avrupa Birliği`nin genişleme perspektifi ve gündem 2000 çerçevesinde AB-Slovenya ilişkileri ve Türkiye boyutu / EU-Slovenia relations within the framework of agenda 2000 and the European Union`s enlargement perspective and the Turkish dimension, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi 2000.
  • Kavalalı M., Avrupa Topluluğu ile Polonya, Macaristan, Çek Cumhuriyeti, ve Slovak Cumhuriyeti arasında Avrupa anlaşmaları ve Türkiye. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, 1995.
  • Kaźmierkiewicz P. (ed.), The Future of EU Enlargement. Debates in New Member States, Candidates and Neighbours, Warsaw 2006.
  • Klingen Ch., Banking in Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey :challenges and opportunities, Luxembourg 2013.
  • Koçak S.Y., The Comparison between Hungary and Turkey: Regional Development Agencies, ”Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti BULLETIN”, 2010, LXII (2).
  • Korkmaz T., Avrupa anlaşmaları çerçevesinde Çek Cumhuriyeti ve Slovakya'nın AB üyeleği ve Türkiye / Regarding to European agreements, the accessions of Czech Republic and Slovakia to Union and Turkey, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi 1995.
  • Korkut U., Hande-Eslen Z., The Impact of Conservative Discourses in Family Policies, Population Politics, and Gender Rights in Poland and Turkey, "Social Politics", 2011, 18(3).
  • Korkut U., The migration myth in the absence of immigrants: How does the conservative right in Hungary and Turkey grapple with immigration?, “Comparative European Politics”, 2014, 6(12).
  • Korkut U, Yanık L., Comparing Two “Transformations: Alliance of Young Democrats (FIDESZ) in Hungary and Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey, “Research in Social Change”, 2009, 1(1).
  • Kral D. (ed.), Bulgaria, Romania... and Who Next? Perspectives of further EU enlargement as seen from the new member states and EU hopefuls, Praha 2007, http://old.europeum.org/doc/publications/East_EN.pdf
  • Kratochvil P, Kral D., Dražilová D., Czech Perceptions, in: S. Akşit, Ö. Şenyuva, Ç. Üstün (eds.), “Turkey Watch. EU Member States’ Perceptions on the Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Ankara 2010.
  • Kubicek P., The Earthquake, Civil Society and Political Change in Turkey: Assessment and Comparison with Eastern Europe, "Political Studies", 2002, 50(4).
  • Kula M., Pod górkę do Europy. O Turcji lat trzydziestych – ale też trochę o dzisiejszej Polsce [Uphill to Europe. On Turkey in the 1930s – but also a little bit about today’s Poland], Warsaw 1994.
  • Kutlukaya E.U., AB'nin genişleme politikalarına kurumsalcı bir bakış: Polonya ve Türkiye'nin katılım süreçlerinin karşılaştırılması / An institutionalist analysis to the EU's enlargement policies: A comparative study of Polish and Turkish accession processes. Doktora Tezi, Bilkent Üniversitesi, 2013.
  • Lessenski M., Bulgarian Perceptions, in: S. Akşit, Ö. Şenyuva, Ç. Üstün (eds.), “Turkey Watch. EU Member States’ Perceptions on the Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Ankara 2010.
  • Lonescu L., Buhur S., The Fiscal and Financial Control Reform in Romania and Turkey: A Comparative Study, ”Annals of Spiru Haret University Economics Series”, 2015.
  • MacDonald D. B., Imperial Legacies and Neo-Ottomanism: Eastern Europe and Turkey, "Insight Turkey", 2012, 14(4).
  • Miszczak K., Modern Determinants of Regional Development : On the Example of Poland and Turkey, “Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu”, 2009, 59 (Global Challenges and Policies of the European Union - Consequences for the "New Member States)
  • Orel F.D., Zeren D., Business Students’ Attitudes towards Consumerism, Marketing Practices and Government Regulations: A Comparative Study of Poland and Turkey, ”International Journal of Business and Social Science”, 2011, 19(2).
  • Öniş , Diverse but Converging Paths to European Union Membership: Poland and Turkey in Comparative Perspective, "East European Politics & Societies", 2004, 18(3).
  • Özerdem F., Avrupa Komisyonu İlerleme Raporlarına Göre İnsan Hakları ve Azınlıkların Korunması Konusu Açısından Türkiye, Macaristan, Polonya ve Çek Cumhuriyeti'nin Avrupa Birliği'ne Entegrasyonu/1998-2002 Dönemi Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi”, 2003, 3(1).
  • Pacek M., Poles and Turks in Germany – Ethnic Rather than National Minorities, in: A. Adamczyk, P. Dubel (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Pieters D., The social security systems of the states applying for membership of the European Union (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey), Antwerp 2003.
  • Pridham G., Change and Continuity in the European Union's Political Conditionality: Aims, Approach, and Priorities, "Democratization", 2007, 14(3).
  • Raszewski S., Energy Security Perceptions in Turkey and Poland, ”Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2015, 1.
  • Schimmelfennig F., Engert S., Knobel H., Costs, commitment and compliance:the impact of EU democratic conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey, “Journal of Common Market Studies”, 2003, 41(3).
  • Schimmelfennig F., Engert S., Knobel H., International Socialization in Europe, European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Basingstoke, New York 2006.
  • Serifanescu I., Sebe M., Romanian Perceptions, in: S. Akşit, Ö. Şenyuva, Ç. Üstün (eds.), “Turkey Watch. EU Member States’ Perceptions on the Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Ankara 2010.
  • Szymański A., Faces of Conservatism in Turkey and Poland: The Case of AKP and PiS, in: A. Adamczyk, P.Dubel (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Szymański A., De-Europeanization and De-Democratization in the EU and Its Neighborhood, “Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe”, 2017, 15(2).
  • Szymański A., Polish Perceptions, in: S. Akşit, Ö. Şenyuva, Ç. Üstün (eds.), “Turkey Watch. EU Member States’ Perceptions on the Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Ankara 2010
  • Szymański A., Polska i Turcja na drodze do UE – podobieństwa i różnice dylematów integracyjnych [Poland and Turkey on the Way to EU – Similarities and Differences of Integration Dillemmas], in: R. Kmieciak, T. Wallas (ed.), Dylematy integracji europejskiej. Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia u progu rozszerzenia Unii Europejskiej [European Integration Dillemmas. Central and East Europe on the Threshold of the EU Enlargement], Poznań 2004.
  • Szymański A., Przyszłe członkostwo Turcji w Unii Europejskiej – skutki dla Polski [Future Membership of Turkey in the European Union – Implications for Poland], “Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny, 2006, 5.
  • Szymański A., Religion Oriented Conservative Parties and Democracy: The Case of the Turkish Justice and Development Party and the Polish Law and Justice Party, “ Studies on Cultures and Societies”, 2015, 30(1).
  • Szymański A., 'Turkey and Poland: Two different countries in the process of European integration?’, in: N. Neuwahl, H. Kabaalioğlu (eds.), European Union and Turkey: Reflections on the Prospects for Membership, Istanbul 2006.
  • Szymański A., Turkey's Future Membership of the European Union and its Consequences for Poland, “The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs” 2006, 4.
  • Şener H.E., Bir fırsat olarak idari reform: Macaristan ve Türkiye'nin AB'ye uyum süreci/Administrative reform as an opportunity: the EU accession process in Hungary and Turkey,  Ankara 2009.
  • Taraktas B., Comparative Approach to Euroscepticism in Turkey and Eastern European Countries, "Journal of Contemporary European Studies", 2008, 16(2).
  • Togan S., Balasubramanyam V.N., Turkey and Central and Eastern European countries in transition :towards membership of the EU, Basingstoke 2001.
  • Tukrova L., Šaradín P (eds.), The politics of EU accession: Turkish challenges and Central European experiences, Abingdon 2010.
  • Vrabie C., Öktem M.K., Local E-Government. A Comparative Study of Romania and Turkey, „NISPAcee PRESS”, 2012.
  • Wielecki K., Wielecka N., Transformation and Civilization Change: Two Perspectives. Case of Poland and Turkey, in: A. Adamczyk A., P. Dubel (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Yazgan H., Avrupa Birliği Genişlemesinde Azınlık Koşulu: Doğu Genişlemesi ve Türkiye, “International Relations/Uluslararasi Iliskiler”, 2015, 12(47), 99.
  • Yerel yönetim sistemleri: Türkiye, Fransa, İspanya, İtalya, Polonya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, By: Ulucay, Oyku; Uluçay, Öykü. TESEV (Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı), 2009.
  • Yılmaz B., Turkey`s Competitiveness in the European Union: A Comparison with Five Candidate Countries - Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania - and the EU15, Ezoneplus working paper no. 12, https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/22128/1/ ezoneplus_wp_twelve.pdf
  • Yılmaz, S., Türkiye Gibi Ülkeler; Meksika, Polonya ve İsrail, 2012, http://acikerisim.aydin.edu.tr/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11547/524/sait46.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  • Yumaklı T., Familialism, welfare state regimes and women's access to paid work: A comparative analysis between Hungary and Turkey, PhD thesis, Budapest 2011, www.etd.ceu.hu/2011/yumakli_tugba.pdf
  • Zapodeanu D., Cociuba M.-I., Petris S., Inflation Uncertainty and Inflation in the Case of Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Turkey, “Procedia Economics and Finance”, 2014, 15.

Bilateral Relations

  • Arslan A., Doğu Batı Ekseninde Stratejik Rekabet, Istanbul 2015.
  • Ayhan V., Osiewicz P., Kural M. (eds.), Turkey-Poland. 600 Years of Friendship, Ankara 2014.
  • Bıçaklı H.A., Türkiye - Bulgaristan İlişkileri 1878 – 2008, Istanbul 2015.
  • Chmielowska D., Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın Polonya-Türkiye İlişkilerindeki Etkileri ve Politik Neticeleri”, XIV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, C. III, Ankara 2002.
  • Chmielowska D., Polsko-tureckie stosunki dyplomatyczne w okresie międzywojennym [Polish-Turkish Diplomatic Relations in the Interwar Period], Warszawa 2006.
  • Dallı M., Polish-Turkish Relations from National Security Perspective/Relacje polsko-tureckie z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa narodowego/Milli Güvenlik Perspektifinden Polonya-Türkiye İlişkileri, Ankara 2014.
  • Dilek, M. S., Tbmm Hükümeti İle Polonya Cumhuriyeti (Lehistan) Arasında 23 Temmuz 1923 Tarihinde İmzalanan Antlaşmalar Ve Tarafların Dış Politika Yaklaşımları, “Electronic Turkish Studies”, 2013, 8(9).
  • Jarnecki M., Kujawa K., Relacje polsko-tureckie w oczach polskich, tureckich i ukraińskich badaczy : zbiór studiów [Polish-Turkish Relations Perceived by the Polish, Turkish and Ukrainian Researchers. Collection of Studies], Poznań 2016.
  • Kirdar S., A New Area for Turkish–Polish Cooperation? Terrorism and the International Criminal Court, ”Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2015, 1.
  • Kołodziejczyk D., Between the Entente and Red Russia: Turkey and Poland after the First World War, Syposium Organised on the Occasion of the 75. Anniversary of the Foundatiton of the Republic of Turkey (28.10.1923–28.10.1998), Warsaw 1999.
  • Kołodziejczyk D., Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations (15th -18th Century) : An Annotated Edition of 'Ahdnames and Other Documents/ Dariusz Kołodziejczyk (E.J. Brill, 1999).
  • Kołtuniak M., Intensification of Trade Exchange with Turkey: How to Diversify Polish Export – the Role of the EU Funds in the Process, in: A. Adamczyk, P. Dubel (eds.), Poland and Turkey in Europe - Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges, Warsaw 2014.
  • Laçiner S., Palabıyık H., Kujawa K., Garayev V. (eds.), Turkish-Polish Relations: Past, Present and Future, Çanakkale, Ankara 2015.
  • Miśkiewicz A., Polacy w opinii przedstawicieli władz tureckich podczas I wojny światowej. Sprawozdanie Olgierda Górki z pobytu w Turcji w 1917 r.[Poles in the Opinion of Representatives of Turkish Authorities During the First World War. Report of Olgier Górka from the Stay in Turkey in 1917], ”Studia Podlaskie” 2013, XXI, http://repozytorium.uwb.edu.pl/jspui/bitstream/11320/2676/1/Studia_Podlaskie_21_Miskiewicz.pdf
  • Mus J., Turkey Faces the Balkans: Areas of Possible Cooperation with Poland, ”Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2015, 1.
  • Nykiel P., The Poles in the Gallipoli Campaign, “The Gallipolian”, 2004, 105.
  • Okay Y. (ed.), Macar Kardeşler (Macar-Türk İlişkileri Üzerine Makaleler), Istanbul 2012.
  • Özvariş M., Soğuk Savaş Döneminde Çekoslovakya müdahalesi ve müdahalenin Türkiye sol hareketine yansıması [The intervention of Warsaw Pact to Czechoslovakia in Cold War Era and reflection in Turkey from left point of view], Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Beykent Üniversitesi 2010.
  • Pastusiak L. (ed.), 600 lat stosunków dyplomatycznych Polska-Turcja. Historia i teraźniejszość [600 Years of Polish-Turkish Diplomatic Relations. History and the Present], Warszawa 2015.
  • Reychman J., 1794 Polonya isyanı ve Türkiye, Ankara 1967.
  • Tausch A., Polish-Turkish Relations: A Social-Political Analysis, Vienna 2008 (MA thesis).
  • Temel M., 1918 Brest-Litovsk Antlaşması Sonrası Bağımsız Litvanya, Letonya, Estanya Osmanlı'nın Baltık Cumhuriyetlerine İlişkin Politikası, “Toplumsal Tarih”, 1998, 10 (58).
  • Topaktaş H., Karlofça’dan Lozan’a İstanbul’da Leh Diplomatlar 1699-1923/ Polish Diplomats in Istanbul from the Treaty of Karlowitz to the Treaty of Lausanne 1699-1923,  “Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi: OTAM”, 
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  • Wódka J., The Rise of Turkey and Poland:Implications for Economic Cooperation, ”Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2015, 1.
  • Wybór artykułów z polskiej prasy międzywojennej na temat Turcji z czasów wojny wyzwoleńczej i rządów Atatürka (19 maja 1919 -1 września 1939) [Selection of Articles from the Polish Interwar Press on Turkey from the Time of War of Liberation and Atatürk’s Ruling (19 May 1919 – 1 September 1939] = Polonya Basinindan Kurtuluş Savaşi Ve Atatürk Dönemi Türkiyesi Üzerine Seçme Yazilar (19 Mayis 1919 -1 Eylül 1939) /Eds. Öztürk Emiroglu, Agnieszka Zastawna (Wydawnictwo Akademickie  Dialog, 2001).